International shipping and logistics giant Maersk has confirmed it will cease transpacific operations in Alaska by February. Terminals in Dutch Harbor and Kodiak are on the chopping block.
The real estate wing of the Aleut Corp. recently launched a brokerage firm aimed at building economic opportunity and support for Alaska Native communities. Tayal Brokerage, which comes from the Unangam Tunuu word meaning “to buy,” went live in mid-October.
Marii Swetzof, daughter of the Aleut Corp.’s first president Mike Swetzof, has been elected to fill a vacancy on the corporation’s board.
A popular convenience store in downtown Unalaska is under new management and stocking its shelves with lots of new items. Owners of the recently relaunched local business, K’s Snack Shack, want to cater to their main customers: Unalaska City School District students.
After months of talks, a purchase agreement between Three Bears Alaska and Alaska Ship Supply is set to close Friday.
Unalaska’s new downtown convenience store welcomed a steady stream of customers during its grand opening on Monday.
The Corner Store is scheduled to open Monday, March 13, on the corner of Broadway Avenue and Fifth Street.
A U.S. Navy warship called on Unalaska last week, marking the branch's first visit since the closure of Adak's base in the 1990s.While city and tribal…
Twenty cruise ships are slated to call on the city this year. That'll set a new record, according to Director Carlin Enlow of the Unalaska Visitors…
Every year, the Aleutian and Pribilof Island Community Development Association (APICDA) awards grants to aspiring entrepreneurs from the region.Current…