Eldred Paradeza
Youth Media Production Assistant-
Schools in Unalaska opened today and the district welcomed seven new staff members this school year. KUCB's youth media producer, Eldred Paradeza, is on a mission to interview all of them and tell the community more about their background, hobbies and hopes for the new school year.
Schools in Unalaska opened today and the district welcomed seven new staff members this school year. KUCB's youth media producer, Eldred Paradeza, is on a mission to interview all of them and tell the community more about their background, hobbies and hopes for the new school year.
On June 24th the City of Unalaska held a reopening ceremony at Sitka Spruce Park. The park was renovated during COVID-19 lockdown in Unalaska and this event gave the community the opportunity to celebrate a beloved local playground facility. Check out video coverage by KUCB's Eldred Paradeza.
Unalaska High School’s cross country team traveled to Anchorage to compete in the state tournament earlier this month.Nine UCSD runners competed in the five kilometer race, which took place on a muddy course at Bartlett High School.