Winter in Unalaska by Sam Zmolek
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Shari Coleman

Shari Coleman, candidate for City Council seat G
Courtesy of Shari Coleman
Shari Coleman, candidate for City Council seat G

I was born and reared in small town Texas to a loving family who taught me to be good to your neighbor and kind to your dog. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University in Fisheries Management, as well as a certification in Secondary Education. After a short stint as a high school teacher, I decided to explore life outside of Texas, moving to Colorado and Washington before settling in Alaska. I have called Unalaska my home since 1998.

I have been employed with UniSea as an Environmental Compliance Supervisor since 2012, but have held a variety of other jobs in Unalaska. I have worked with the City and the State, IPHC and NMFS, and even threw boxes when I was more able-bodied. I have owned a home here for more than 20 years, and have had a small business. At various times throughout the last twenty years I have volunteered with Unalaska Fire and EMS, Unalaska Community Broadcasting, and the Unalaska Chamber of Commerce. I currently sit on the board for the Aleutian Islands Waterways Safety Committee, the Unalaska Fish and Game Advisory Committee, and the Marine Conservation Alliance. All of these experiences have helped shape my understanding of our community, its culture, its economy and the importance of its people.

Unalaska is a beautiful and dynamic community, but can be a challenging place to live: the high cost to living, changing fisheries dynamics, difficulties with timely and affordable travel and the absence of advanced medical care are but a few of the issues that face us every day. As a resident, a homeowner, I have had personal experience with those challenges and want to ensure that they do not limit Unalaska’s opportunities to survive and thrive. The past couple of years with the pandemic and flight disruptions have been particularly trying for everyone, and the recent closure of the red king crab fishery means this community faces some difficult decisions about how best to utilize its remaining revenue. However, it is important to keep a positive approach to the potential of this city, including Arctic development for trade and commerce, mariculture and other emerging markets.

Elected in 2017, and re-elected in 2018 to the City Council, I strive to be conscientious, thoughtful and consistent with my decision-making. I am fiscally conservative in nature, and believe we should be making balanced and informed decisions about how we provide services and fund new development. I value hearing from constituents and believe that understanding stakeholder needs is key to making good decisions for the community.

I enjoy boating, fishing and hiking around the island, and have a great appreciation of all that our spot in the Aleutians offers us. I respect the native culture, embrace our vibrant and diverse population, and believe in responsible stewardship of our natural resources. I am vested in this community and have faith in its people, and would be honored to continue serving as your City Council representative.

Statements were submitted by candidates and have not been edited.

2021 KUCB Voter Guide