Construction season is underway in Unalaska, with five projects scheduled between now and late November.
"These projects total approximately $10 million," said Director of Public Works Tom Cohenour.
More than half of that budget is going toward the continued expansion of the Unalaska Marine Center, where two aging docks are being replaced.
That means Unalaskans can expect intermittent lane closures and reduced speed limits along portside Ballyhoo Road through the fall.
Captains Bay Road will also experience delays. The city is surveying the heavily trafficked gravel drive to prepare for construction in fiscal year 2022.
"It's a multiyear project and it's going to be quite expensive," said Cohenour. "But in a nutshell, we'll be straightening out a couple sections of the road, widening it, and installing a walking trail on the water side and streetlights. It'll be paved from the police station and Agnes Beach to just past Westward Seafoods."

Cohenour said those improvements will make for safer, smoother travel along one of the island's major business thoroughfares.
Meanwhile, he said workers are installing new storm drains at three points along Makushin Drive and East Point Road. That'll mean three-to-six-week road closures as the city tries to ward off future flooding.
"Drivers should just be aware of signage and workers in yellow vests," said Cohenour. "Because I don't have a specific time that these projects are going to start or end."
He said timelines may shift depending on weather and workers' schedules, but the city will advertise road closures in advance on KUCB 89.7 FM and Channel 8 TV.