Fisheries technicians wrapped up the 2023 season at Unalaska's McLees Lake weir last week, reporting a total escapement of 26,945 sockeye salmon — the weir's highest count since 2016.
It’s a packed house at a St. Paul community event. Island residents surround a table filled with trapping and tracking devices.Lauren Divine of the Aleut…
A rat is loose on St. Paul Island. And that’s a big deal because the Pribilof Islands have always been rat free.Steve Delehanty, Refuge Manager for the…
Since May, hundreds of dead and dying seabirds have been found across the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas.The National Park Service and U.S.…
Dead and dying sea otters are being found along the Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula. During an aerial survey in March, the U.S. Fish and…
It’s been 75 years since thousands of young soldiers lost their lives fighting over the westernmost point of the United States. Seventy-five years since…