Unalaska’s Head Start early childhood program opened a second class in January for children three to five years old. The new class can take up to 20 children and is expected to help out parents on the island, where child care can be tough to find.
Unalaska’s new Head Start facility opened to children Tuesday, following years of preparation. The federally-funded education program aims to prepare local students under five for primary school, while also passing on Unangax̂ traditions.
The Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association will open its new Head Start facility in Unalaska this September, replacing the island's existing Head Start building. The federally-funded program is for low-income families with young children promoting education readiness and it’ll be housed in a much larger building dedicated to the late Maria Turnpaugh.
The Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA) is bringing a new Head Start facility to Unalaska. The new facility will replace the island’s existing…