Unalaska City School District officials are planning for a limited in-person graduation ceremony for the Class of 2021 on May 15. There will likely be…
For the first time since the beginning of the year, Unalaska students will soon return to their classrooms full-time. Schools plan to reopen to in-person…
It's been nearly a year since Gov. Dunleavy closed public schools to help mitigate the spread of the coronavirus pandemic last spring. Since then, the…
Under the district's latest revision of its Smart Start 2020 plan, Unalaska students will once again return to their classrooms beginning Monday, Feb. 1.…
Unalaska students will continue with distance learning for the time being, while school administrators finalize a reopening plan. Administrators presented…
As the city contends with potential widespread exposure to the coronavirus, Unalaska's schools have begun to determine if and how they will provide…
Unalaska students and staff began their holiday break Monday and are scheduled to begin the new semester on Jan. 4. But what that semester will look like…
Unalaska's schools remained open after the city confirmed its first case of community spread of COVID-19 earlier this month.Under the city's previous…