During the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association's candlelight vigil in Anchorage last October, purple ribbons and candles were passed around to remember Unangax̂ victims of crime and to bring awareness to the missing and murdered victims.
On Saturday, around 300 Unalaskans gathered at the high school gymnasium to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Ounalashka Corporation. Chairman Vince Tutiakoff Sr. spoke about the organization’s growth over the last half-century, and past and present board members were recognized for their service.
Dozens of people gathered in northern California last month to help tie lashings on an Unangax̂ open skin boat. Marc Daniels facilitated the build in his workshop, with the participation of Unangax̂ and local California tribal members. The vessel will be launched May 27, during the Alaska Native Day celebration at Fort Ross.
On Friday, Oct. 21, the Anchorage Unangax̂ Dancers took the stage for the very last performance of Quyana Nights, a highly-awaited celebration of traditional dance hosted by AFN. Unangax̂ dancer and drummer, Dustin Unignax̂ Newman, composed the newest song for the Anchorage dance group.
Taytum x̂anix̂ Robinson is the artist behind Qawax̂ Creations - a contemporary Unangax̂ jewelry line she started about a year ago. Her earrings are known on social media for their unique use of seal intestine, or seal gut, which has traditionally been used to make rain gear.
Indigenous women in the United States are murdered 10 times more often than the national average, and nearly half of all Alaska Native and Native American…