The M/V Genius Star XI, a cargo ship that has been moored outside of Broad Bay for over a month, was brought to the Unalaska Marine Center Tuesday, a move experts said does not pose an immediate risk to the community.
A cargo ship carrying lithium-ion batteries reported a cargo fire Thursday morning, and is currently sitting outside of Unalaska Bay while the Coast Guard works to stabilize the vessel. As of Friday afternoon, the fire was contained but still burning.
A group of researchers wanted to see if hydrogen fuel cells could replace petroleum in trans-Pacific shipping. What they found places Unalaska and Adak right in the center of a "green corridor."
Alaska Air Cargo has shut down its Unalaska office.Starting Nov. 1, Alaska Airlines will no longer haul freight on island flights, which are operated in…
When Unalaska’s primary air cargo provider announced it was shutting down service this summer, community members were concerned.People rely on PenAir’s…
Unalaskans don’t have to worry about losing their mail service, according to officials with ACE Air Cargo.The freight company has signed a contract with…
PenAir is shutting down its freight service to Unalaska -- a move that will affect the island’s food delivery and fishing industry.The regional air…