The Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska will be holding a series of classes Monday on environmental monitoring at old U.S. defense sites.
According to the Tribe, these sites from World War II have persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are harmful if consumed at high levels.
Elise Contreras is the environmental remediation manager for the Qawalangin Tribe. She said eating subsistence foods from areas where POPs are present is an issue.
“We want to allow people to have informed choices, informed decisions of where they are taking their subsistence foods,” said Contreras.
She said identifying highly contaminated areas is important and that will be easier with locals learning how to collect POPs data.
“If there is a spot where there are high levels of, for example polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs,” said Contreras, “we want to be able to allow people to be informed that, ‘okay, this area in particular has very high levels that might be of health concern’.”
The classes will include public input. Contreras said it’s important to hear from local community and tribal members on what they want to see out of research, site cleanup, and site prioritization.
“Because ultimately, it doesn't matter what somebody in a far off state or country thinks [is] important,” said Contreras. “It’s what the people who are living in the city and the local area — what they want to see from their community.”
The environmental monitoring academy starts Monday and it’s free and open to anyone 18-years-old and older. Students can get college credit through the University of Alaska. Interested participants can sign up by contacting the Qawalangin Tribe at 907-581-2920.