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UCSD Student of the Week: Vivian Nguyen


  The Junior High Department selected Vivian as Student of the Week (Dec 7-11, 2015) for the following reasons:

Vivian Nguyen has been an outstanding young 7th grade student so far this year in science. She is always eager to learn and participate in anything and anyway possible. She has an infectious smile and laugh that always brings a positive atmosphere to whatever she is involved in. She is beginning to emerge as a leader amongst a large group of students. Keep up the good work Vivian it will pay off in the long run. ~Mr. Gibson, Science Teacher

Vivian Nguyen has emerged as one of the highest achievers in the 7th grade. Her ability to pay attention to details has helped her earn the high marks in her classes. In History, Vivian just finish presenting a project on her family's heritage and preformed well on explaining her story. Vivian is dependable and positive which are character traits that will help her later on. Continue to strive for improvement Vivian. Good work. ~Mr. Russell, Social Studies Teacher

Vivian is the daughter of Quy & Kim Hong Nguyen.

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