It’s been about 200 years since Russian colonizers demolished the last remaining examples of large Unangax̂ boats called niĝilax̂. The wooden framed boats were used in the Aleutian Islands to transport goods and people. Now, a group of boat builders have resurrected the niĝilax̂ and returned the practice of making them to the Unangax̂ people.
A tsunami warning has been lifted for a swath of Alaska coastline after a magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit off the Alaska Peninsula late Saturday.
Eastern Aleutian Tribes reported seven new COVID-19 infections in Sand Point on Thursday. That brings the total to 17 new cases reported in the Eastern…
Two residents of Sand Point tested positive for COVID-19 Friday, according to Eastern Aleutian Tribes. This is the third confirmed case in the950-person…
A magnitude-7.8 Aleutian earthquake late Tuesday night prompted tsunami warnings in communities across coastal Alaska, from Homer to Unalaska. Sand Point…
Nearly half of Sand Point's police force is leaving the department, according to city officials. The 950-person island community — located about 550 miles…