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Weekly Sports Fishing Report: May 26, 2017

ADFG Weekly Fishing report, May 26, 2017: Summer is here! (or near!) This is the first weekly fishing report for the year and reports of excellent dolly varden fishing have already come in. King salmon fishing in the saltwaters has also been good and anglers are reminded that the limit is 2 per day. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks, sockeye will show up sooner than we think

Regulation reminders:

  • The bag limit for Unalaska Bay fresh and salt waters is 5 salmon per day of which only 2 may be sockeye.
  • The bag limit for the remainder of Unalaska Island is 5 salmon per day all of which may be sockeye or coho.
  • Anglers are reminded that Town Creek (Iliuliuk) is closed to fish for sockeye year round.
  • The salt waters of Summer’s Bay are open to snagging, however, the freshwaters from the outlet of Summer’s Bay Lake to the ocean are closed to all sport fishing.
  • All freshwaters of Unalaska Island are closed to snagging year round.
  • Anglers are reminded that many of the creeks flowing into Unalaska Bay have closed waters for a portion of the drainage or all of the drainage in some cases. Be sure to keep an eye out for signs marking closed waters and to consult the Southwest Alaska Sportfish regulation booklet for a complete list of sport fishing regulations for Unalaska Bay.

Fishing reports:

  • Dolly Varden are leaving their winter-freshwaters and will be feeding in the near shore waters off local beaches. Recent reports indicate dolly fishing has been good off most local beaches.

  • Dollies should be available off local beaches through mid- to late-June.

  • Trolling for king salmon has reportedly been good with reports indicating fish in the 15 to 30 lb range have been caught.

  • King salmon will often follow schools of bait fish to feed and trolling may improve if these schools continue and as near-shore waters warm.

  • Anglers are reminded that the bag limit for King Salmon is 2 per day per person.

  • No reports to date have been received for crabbing or halibut fishing but look for fishing to improve in the coming weeks with warming waters as summer progresses. Remember that the subsistence king crab season opens on June 1.

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