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UCSD Student of the Week: Jorge Alvarado


The High School Department Selected Jorge Alvarado as Student of the Week (February 15-19, 2016) for the following reasons:

Jorge always comes to class with an excellent attitude. He works hard and takes his grades seriously. He always takes every opportunity to revise work and make needed corrections. Jorge also makes major contributions to the class discussion and brings a positive perspective to every conversation. Keep up the good work, Mr. Alvarado. Proud of you. ~ Mr. Henderson, Teacher

Jorge takes his schoolwork seriously. He stays on top of his work and has been making good grades all year. His mathematical mind amaz-es me and his skills exceed many adults'. Jorge is going to do great things in life after high school. He is a friend to everyone and always lends a helping hand in the classroom. I'm proud of you, Jorge! ~Ms. Burnham, Teacher

Jorge, does good work in my Auto mechanic class, he is motivated asks good questions and is always willing to participate. ~ Mr. Johnson, CTE Teacher

Jorge is the son of Jorge & Stacy Alvarado.

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