Earlier this week, Unalaska held a memorial service for Trey Henning, a mechanic with the city's Department of Public Works and a 2017 graduate of Unalaska's high school, who was killed in an avalanche last month while he was snowmachining in the Unalaska Valley.
KUCB's Hope McKenney produced this audio postcard from the event, where hundreds of Henning's relatives, friends, and community members gathered to celebrate his life.
Those were selections from Tuesday's memorial service for 21-year-old Trey Henning.
Henning's friends, Delanney McConnell and Kaye Gumera, sang the above song.
For those grieving, the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA) said counseling and mental health services are available. Unalaskans can call APIA's help line at 359-2743 to speak with a provider over the phone or make a face-to-face appointment.